iOS 7.1.1 Untethered Jailbreak Tool ထြက္ရွိ
iOS 7.1 မွ 7.1.1 အထိ jailbreak လုပ္နုိင္မည့္ Untethered Jailbreak Tool ထြက္ရွိ ျပီျဖစ္ပါတယ္ Pangu လုိ႕ေခၚတဲ့ တရုတ္ iOS Hacker Team ကေန တရား၀င္ ထုတ္ေပးလုိက္တာပါ။

Pangu Jailbreak Tool နဲ႕ iOS 7.1.1 Jailbreak ျပဳ လုပ္နုိင္မယ့္ iOS Device ေတြကေတာ့..
Phone 4
iphone 4S
iphone 5
iphone 5C
iphone 5S (64-bit)
iPad Air (64-bit) တုိ႕ပဲျဖစ္ပါတယ္။

Pangu Jailbreak Tool ကုိ ေအာက္က link ကေန ရယူနုိင္ပါတယ္။
SHA1: 7d66f1f939cbf877f1e90480571f92b238245fab
1. a computer running Windows (at least Windows XP) computer
2. ITunes (latest version) is installed
3. Use the USB cable to connect the Apple device to the computer
Note: Although Pangu jailbreak on most models are tested successfully, or please back up your data before jailbreak to avoid data loss.
Use this software at your own risk.

Pangu Jailbreak Tool နဲ႕ iOS 7.1.1 Jailbreak ျပဳ လုပ္နုိင္မယ့္ iOS Device ေတြကေတာ့..
Phone 4
iphone 4S
iphone 5
iphone 5C
iphone 5S (64-bit)
iPad Air (64-bit) တုိ႕ပဲျဖစ္ပါတယ္။

Pangu Jailbreak Tool ကုိ ေအာက္က link ကေန ရယူနုိင္ပါတယ္။
SHA1: 7d66f1f939cbf877f1e90480571f92b238245fab
1. a computer running Windows (at least Windows XP) computer
2. ITunes (latest version) is installed
3. Use the USB cable to connect the Apple device to the computer
Note: Although Pangu jailbreak on most models are tested successfully, or please back up your data before jailbreak to avoid data loss.
Use this software at your own risk.
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