ရွားပါးသမိုင္း၀င္ပုံရိပ္မ်ား... (020614)
Ku Klux Klan at the carnival in Canon City, 1925
1924 Ringling Brothers and Barnun & Bailey “Circus of Freaks”
Germans returning after the Battle of Berlin gaze up at the new order of things, Berlin, July 1945
Surreal picture of a Zeppelin under construction, ca. 1935
The Statue of Liberty as seen from Jersey City in 1973
The red light district in Seoul, Korea, marked as off limits to American G.I’s, 1945
A 15 kiloton nuclear weapon detonates about 10 km from the cannon it was fired from, Nevada Test Site, May 1953
Citizen Kane premiere, 1941
Hannah Stilley, born 1746, photographed in 1840. More than likely the earliest born individual captured on film
Colorized NYC Lower East Side 1890′s
The roaring 20′s
The Dalai Lama at age two. 1937
Marilyn Monroe tries to go shopping while fans and media watch, 1957
LAPD Officers went undercover and dressed up as women to catch a purse snatcher in 1960
Emperor Meiji in full court dress, 1872
“Bandit’s Roost” off Mulberry Street, New York City, 1887 (The opening part of this scene from ‘Gangs of New York’ was based off of this photo)
ကိုမ်ဳိး (lwanmapyay.blogspot.com)
1924 Ringling Brothers and Barnun & Bailey “Circus of Freaks”
Germans returning after the Battle of Berlin gaze up at the new order of things, Berlin, July 1945
Surreal picture of a Zeppelin under construction, ca. 1935
The Statue of Liberty as seen from Jersey City in 1973
The red light district in Seoul, Korea, marked as off limits to American G.I’s, 1945
A 15 kiloton nuclear weapon detonates about 10 km from the cannon it was fired from, Nevada Test Site, May 1953
Citizen Kane premiere, 1941
Hannah Stilley, born 1746, photographed in 1840. More than likely the earliest born individual captured on film
Colorized NYC Lower East Side 1890′s
The roaring 20′s
The Dalai Lama at age two. 1937
Marilyn Monroe tries to go shopping while fans and media watch, 1957
LAPD Officers went undercover and dressed up as women to catch a purse snatcher in 1960
Emperor Meiji in full court dress, 1872
“Bandit’s Roost” off Mulberry Street, New York City, 1887 (The opening part of this scene from ‘Gangs of New York’ was based off of this photo)
ကိုမ်ဳိး (lwanmapyay.blogspot.com)